Why Saving Water for Summer Is Key

Why Saving Water for Summer Is Key

When the summer heat is boiling, many people find relief by turning on the garden hose. Whether it is watering the flowers or filling up a swimming pool; water consumption is at an all-time high in the summertime.

However, when the temperatures start rising, it often brings along with it drought like conditions; this is especially true in areas where there are little to no rain showers. There are ways that you can conserve water during the hottest months of the year. Here are some tips on water conservation.

conserve-water1. Tame The Toilet

The toilet is one of the biggest water waste items in the home. If you have an older model commode, then it can use anywhere from 5-7 gallons of water to flush. However, the newer models only use 1-3 gallons. This is a huge saving that adds up to a home where there are many people around. Replacing a toilet is a useful cost measure that will conserve water and save money off of the monthly water consumption costs.

2. Layer The Mulch

Decorative mulch looks beautiful around your plants. Additionally, mulch does more than add beauty to your yard. Mulch acts as a shield and protects the plants. It helps keep the ground moist and does not allow the sun to dry up the plants so quickly. A nice layer of mulch will keep plants from dying and will also look aesthetically pleasing.

3. Do Not Over Water Your Lawn

In some areas, the yard is going to need some water. However, if you are watering more than once a week, then it is too much. Your yard is made to be hearty and take the heat. However, if you water it too much, you can do more harm than good. At various times during the summer, water alerts are issued, and lawns are not to be watered. If you insist on watering, then try a water saving sprinkler system. These will ensure that only a small amount of water is released, and it is done during the right times.

4. Do Not Let The Kids Play With Hose

Many people feel all nostalgic when they remember spraying each other with the garden hose. For those who do not have a swimming pool, the hose can act as a great source of cool water. However, the common garden hose releases up to 24 gallons per minute. If the kids forget to turn off the hose and leave it on for an extended period, then it is going to cost you big time.

Rather than allowing them to play in the hose, encourage them to go outside when the sprinklers are on. It is already watering the lawn, so it will not cost any extra for them to play during that period. It may be cost effective to get a swimming pool too.

world-water-conservation5. Do Not Use Your Hose As A Cleaning Tool

It is often the case that the pressure from the water hose becomes a great way to clean off sidewalks and to get rid of weeds and debris. Actually, with the hose releasing so much water at one time, it is better to use the broom and save. The recent problems with water in Michigan show us why it is so important to conserve and be careful with our water supply.

6. Rain Water For Plant Water

If you have a garden filled with lush vegetation, then why not use rainwater to ensure the soil stays moist. Rain barrels were very popular a couple of decades ago, but they are coming back with those who have a conservative side. Rain water is great for capturing all that extra water and allowing you to put it to good use. There is no reason why you need to turn on the water hose when you have a rainwater collection system.

7. Do Your Watering In Early Hours or Late Evening

Never water your plants in the heat of the day. When the temperatures are scorching hot, your plants will get very little of that water. Actually, the water will evaporate before it ever hits the roots. If you water in the early morning hours or late in the evening, your plants will get the thirst quenching drink they need.

rain-barrel-collection-system8. Replace Leaking Faucets

You probably do not think that that constant drip coming from your sink is wasting water, but it costs you way more than you could ever imagine. Let’s say that a faucet drips 30 drips per minute. In the course of a day, that would be 1,800 drops per minute and 43,200 drops per day. Regarding overall consumption, that would be 2.85 gallons per day or a total of 1,041 gallons per year. Can you afford to waste water? Calling a plumber in to fix this faucet will more than pay for itself.

9. The Shower Is The Homes Water Waste Zone

Your shower provides a great place to release the stress of the day while washing the dirt away. However, it also allows a place for you to spend major money down the drain. Your shower is probably not equipped with a water saving device. By putting a shower head on that regulates the water, you can save big money.

The average shower is around 17.2 gallons at nearly 9 minutes. With a savings device on that shower, it could decrease the shower water consumption drastically. Some fancy heads use more pressure than water to do the job. If using up to .75 gallons per minute sounds great, then checking out a high-end shower saving head might help.

10. Do Not Take Baths

The shower may be flowing at a rate of 2 gallons per minute, but an overall bath can take up to 50 gallons of water. Never bathe unless it is a small child who does not need much water. When water consumption regulations are in place, it is important to conserve by taking quick showers.

If you want to learn more about water conservation or you want to have some of the items above fixed by a certified plumber, call Heidler, Inc. today at (410) 268-7191. We want to ensure that our customers know the importance of water conservation and water waste management.

Throw It in the Trash (Why Flushing a Wet Wipe is a No-No)

DIY Wet Wipes (Why Flushing Regular Wipes Will Clog Your Drains)

Though the manufacturers of wet wipes claim they are perfectly suitable to flush down the toilet, the fact is the wipes pose a number of hazards to those who send them down the drain on a regular basis.

Also known as baby wipes, they have become much more common in households in recent years. In fact, sales of wet wipes have risen by 23 percent in the past five years, amounting to more than $370 million being spent by consumers.

However, in addition to spending millions of dollars per year to purchase the wet wipes, consumers are also spending millions of dollars per year on plumbing repair bills. Everything from toilet repair to drain cleaning is being done by plumbers in an effort to correct the problems caused by wet wipes, costing consumers lots of money and plenty of inconvenience along the way.

If your household is a regular user of wet wipes, here are some reasons why flushing these wipes down your toilet will produce clogged drains.

Annapolis, MD DIY-wet-wipes-1Do Wipes Disintegrate?

While everyone who flushes a wet wipe down the toilet assumes it will disintegrate the same as toilet paper, that is not always the case. In fact, it’s almost never the case.

Most brands of toilet paper, even ones that are of lesser quality, generally dissolve within 24 hours of being flushed. However, wet wipes don’t work that way. In many instances, wet wipes have been found to be almost indestructible once flushed.

According to plumbers, many wet wipes can stay fully intact within pipes and drains for weeks or even months, which usually leads to very large clogs forming due to the constant buildup of wipes being flushed. To show just how tough these wipes are, researchers have conducted tests where the wipes were put into a blender for up to 10 minutes.

Surprisingly, after 10 minutes the wipes were hardly damaged, proving they can indeed stay fully intact within a pipe for a long period of time. To make sure this does not happen in your pipes, plumbers recommend disposing of wipes in a trash can.

Creating a Fatberg

If a wet wipe is not simply sitting around in a pipe failing to disintegrate, it’s probably working together with grease, fat, and other dirt and grime to cause what plumbers refer to as a “fatberg.” Named that for their similarity in size to icebergs, plumbers have regularly found themselves attempting to remove these very large clogs from pipes and drains. Some of the clogs have been well over 10 feet long, and in some cases have weighed almost one hundred pounds.

Along with being found in residential homes, fatbergs are often found in water treatment plants. When they make it that far, they often damage sensitive equipment and lead to thousands of dollars in repairs.

When smaller versions of these clogs are found in residential pipes, plumbers call them “softball clogs” because the clogs are comprised almost solely of the wipes and look like a softball has been flushed down the toilet.

The Web of Wipes

If a home is older and has pipes that have been in place for many decades, there can be some unusual problems that result from wipes being flushed down the toilet. In these instances, the pipes may have corroded over the years and thus have small holes in them.

If there are tree roots nearby, chances are they have found their way into the pipes and created a web-like structure inside the pipe. Thus, when the wet wipes are flushed down the toilet and enter the pipes, they get tangled up in the tree roots and form a wall of wipes that nothing else can penetrate.

When this happens, a plumber will need to be called in for drain cleaning and toilet repair in an effort to correct the problem. In many cases, the damage may be so great that the entire plumbing system will need to be replaced, costing thousands of dollars.

To make sure this does not happen in your household, it’s a good idea to have the plumbing checked by a professional plumber, especially if the plumbing system is very old.

Annapolis, MD DIY-wet-wipes-2Wipes and Your Septic Tank

While wet wipes can cause plenty of damage to a plumbing system that is part of a city’s water and sewer system, they can do even more damage to one that is not.

For people who use a septic tank, flushing wipes down the toilet is one of the worst things they can do to their home’s plumbing. This is because when the septic tank gets clogged, it will backup into the home, spilling sewage into the bathroom and creating a mess that smells terrible and costs hundreds or thousands of dollars to clean up.

In some cases where the overflow is extremely bad, some plumbers will recommend the septic system be replaced with a newer model designed to prevent future clogging. However, no matter what type of septic system is used, if the wipes are continually flushed down the toilet, the same problems will present themselves over and over again.

Contact a Plumber

If you find yourself beginning to have problems with your plumbing, they may be due to having a clog of wet wipes in your pipes. Whether it’s a “softball clog” or a “fatberg,” it will need the expertise of a plumber to correct the problem.

In many cases where these clogs have been found, they have actually exerted enough pressure on the pipes to make them burst. In these situations, the repair bill will often be well over $1,000 in order to replace the damaged pipes with ones that are more resistant to clogs, such as PVC pipes.

Rather than let this happen in your home and cause you tremendous levels of inconvenience, schedule an appointment with a plumber as soon as possible.

For acclaimed drain cleaning services in your Annapolis, MD home, please contact Heidler, Inc. at (410) 268-7191 today.

10 Reasons to Consider Getting a Water Filtration System

10 Benefits of an Advanced Water Filtration System

One thing you should be concerned about is the health of your family. Unfortunately, many families face threats that are not immediately obvious. One of these can be contaminated drinking water. However, there is one safeguard you can use to ensure that your drinking water is safe for you and your family. It’s having a professional water filter installation performed in your home.

There are also many other reasons why installing such a system in your Annapolis home is a good idea. Below are ten benefits of having an advanced water filtration system.

Annapolis, MD water-filter-installation-21. It will produce better tasting and smelling drinking water.

If your drinking water tastes off or has some kind of discernible scent, it is probably a good idea to have an advanced water filtration system installed in your home. There are many possible sources that can affect water’s taste or smell. This includes bacterial contaminants and chemicals like chlorine. A water filtration system will remove all such bacteria and chemicals. The end result will be refreshing pure H20 that tastes clean and has no detectable smell.

2. It will remove lead.

One of the biggest dangers of drinking contaminated water comes from lead. Even worse, the harmful effects of drinking lead contaminated water may not be immediately apparent. Lead can build up in the body over months or even years before the symptoms of lead poisoning become apparent.

For children, the effects can be especially devastating since lead poisoning can affect a child’s ability develop both physically and mentally. In high enough doses, lead can cause death. Thankfully, an advanced water filtration system can remove this risk entirely.

3. It reduces the risk of cancer.

Bad drinking water is something that can contribute to many different forms of cancer. The kinds of cancer that contaminated water can lead to include:

• Bladder cancer

• Colon cancer

• Liver cancer

• Lung cancer

• Kidney cancer

• Rectal cancer

However, if your water is properly filtered, much of this risk will be averted. Too much chlorine in your water, for example, can lead to bladder and rectal cancer. An advanced water filtration system will remove all chlorine as well as any chlorine byproducts that can pose such a risk to you and your family.

4. It can prevent gastrointestinal disease.

Gastrointestinal diseases are ailments that affect the body’s ability to digest food, absorb nutrients and remove waste through the excretory system. There are things in the water that can possibly lead to such a disease. This includes giardia and cryptosporidium, two bugs that are resistant to chlorine. An advanced filter can remove both of these risks.

5. It can remove toxins from your water supply.

There are over 2,100 different toxins that can contaminate drinking water. Examples include things like:

• Arsenic

• Aluminum

• Copper

• Hexavelant chromium

• Pesticides

• Trihalomethanes

Consuming these substances at high enough levels can lead to serious health problems. Arsenic poisoning, for example, can lead to the long-term failure of the lungs, kidney and liver. Ingesting 70 to 200 milligrams of arsenic is lethal. An advanced water filtration system in your Annapolis home can ensure that these 2,100 different toxins are not consumed by your family through your drinking water.

6. Clean water is integral for a healthy immune system.

Another reason to install an advanced water filtration system is to make sure your family members have the water they need to fight off disease and keep the body healthy. For the human immune system to operate correctly, a constant supply of healthy water in required in order to manufacture the white blood cells needed to fight off bacteria and other internal threats. This is especially the case for those with weaker immune systems like children and elderly.

7. It will preserve the healthy minerals within clean drinking water.

While an advanced water filter will remove toxins, bacteria and other contaminants, it will not remove the minerals within water that the body needs to remain healthy. This includes calcium. Calcium is needed for healthy bones. It is especially important for growing children as well as the elderly that suffer from degenerative bone diseases like osteoarthritis.

Annapolis, MD water-filter-installation8. It will save you money.

While it may be true that bottled water is relatively safe, it can end up hurting you in the pocket book. Bottled water is extremely overpriced compared to what most people spend on a monthly water bill.

Beyond that, you will be paying your water bill regardless of whether you buy bottled water or not. With that in mind, it doesn’t make much sense if you can filter your own water to bring it up to the same exact purity levels as bottled water.

9. It helps the environment.

Bottled water is also very wasteful. A lot of plastic must be created for all those bottles. This requires chemical manufacturing processes that can release a lot of pollution into the environment. Many of the chemicals used to create plastic are harmful to humans and animals. Plastic is also not biodegradable. With this in mind, if you are conscious about your impact on the environment, it is a much better idea to simply filter your water from a local source like a well or city water.

10. It removes chlorine.

One of the biggest risks of drinking unfiltered water is ingesting chlorine, which is toxic to the human body and should be avoided if possible. Removing chlorine from your water can have other benefits as well. It will result in cleaner dishes since a major source of soap scum is the chlorine present in water. It will also ensure that chlorine is not released into your air supply. It’s not good to breathe in chlorine from the air, and it can certainly affect people with allergies or breathing problems.

Overall, filtered water is cheap, convenient and good for your health. There are many different ways your family could benefit from an advanced water filtration system in your home.

If you wish to have a water filter installation performed in the Annapolis, MD area, call the water filter professionals at Heidler, Inc. at (410) 268-7191.

How to Determine if You Have a Water Leak in Your Home

Ways To Determine If You Have A Water Leak

Leak detection is important.

It’s important to detect any leaks that are in a home because of the fact that they can cost you a lot more money than you realize, even if it’s a small leak. There can be several places around the Annapolis area home that have leaks without you ever knowing about it until severe damage has occurred, or the water bill has gone up sky high.

Many homes experience extremely high water bills before they realize that they have severe leaks in the home, and sometimes, the leaks are outside of the home, which is why they are hard to detect.

If you ever suspect a leak in the home, start the detection process by calling out a plumber to check for any leaks. The plumber can do several checks and tests to see if leaks are in the home as well as stopping the leaks that are present and doing repairs if necessary.

 Annapolis, MD water-leaks-1Here’s what to do to look for leaks.

It’s always important to look for leaks, even if you’re going to have a plumber come out to do an inspection and to repair the leaks. If you know where the leaks are ahead of time, then you can tell the plumber exactly where the leak is, and they can always do additional inspections to determine if more leaks are present in or around the home.

Here are a few suggestions on what to do to look for leaks around the home:

  • Do a check on the toilet tank
  • Look for wet spots in the wall
  • Look for mold growing on the wall or floors
  • Check pipes for weakness or breaks
  • Check the pressure release valve on the water heater
  • Check hose bibs
  • Check pipes connected to the garden hose
  • Check faucets around the home
  • Examine the shower heads in the home
  • Get a plumber to do leak detection
  • Check the hose attached to the washer
  • Check a fridge with a water connection

Common Leaks And How To Detect Them

Toilets– One of the most common leaks in a home is from the toilet, and many don’t pay attention to it or realize it. The toilet can be leaking from the base, from the back, or from the tank itself. Those who have a running toilet may hear a hissing sound. It’s even possible that the flapper in the toilet tank is loose or not fitted correctly, and water is continuously flowing out of the tank, so you’re losing water fairly rapidly.

There is a food coloring test that many will do to determine if their toilet has a leak, especially if they don’t see water leaking from the toilet. This test can quickly discover a leak, so you’ll be able to point it out to your plumber.

– The faucets around the home tend to be very problematic because they can leak easily once the parts inside the faucets start to wear. You may completely turn off a faucet, but water continues to drip. It may not seem bad, but a dripping faucet can easily waste gallons of water daily and possibly hundreds of gallons of water within a single month.

If there are several leaky faucets around the Annapolis home, then that means there’s more water being lost through other faucets.

The Garden Hose– Some will leave their garden hose on because it has a sprayer attached to the end that allows them to control when the water is sprayed. The problem is, if there is a leak in the hose somewhere, then it may be draining water onto the property without ever being used, and this can be a huge loss of water and a big water bill.

Outdoor Piping– Many don’t think to check their pipes outdoors, especially ones that may be in an outdoor sink or pipes that connect to the hose outside. These pipes can easily leak, and many don’t detect the leaks until they see the pipe severely leaking or if they get a very high water bill which makes them suspicious.

Broken Pipes In The Wall– Only if mold starts growing on the wall or the wall is continuously wet, then people in the home may discover that there is a leak behind the wall.

Since a lot of the plumbing is hidden behind the walls, it’s possible that recent construction in the home or other issues have caused a leak in the pipes, which then have started wetting the walls and causing mold. If you’re certain the mold you see on the wall isn’t caused by warm temperatures and moist conditions, then consider the possibility that there are leaking pipes behind the wall.

What If Leaks Are Found?

Anytime leaks are found, they should always be brought to the attention of a plumber. In certain cases, leaks can be repaired, but sometimes, pipes need to be replaced to get the leaks to stop. New pipes can easily be installed by a plumber if it is necessary, and this should stop the leaks.

Those that have leaks coming from their toilets can get the toilet replaced, or it’s possible to have the plumber fix the part of the toilet that’s leaking if it’s repairable.

It’s also a good idea to have the plumber check the water meter to do a test to determine exactly where the leaks are if you haven’t had any luck in discovering a leak but know that your water bill is too high.

Get a plumber out to your home quickly.

Plumbers know exactly what to do when it comes to leak detection, so get one out to your home as soon as possible, especially if you have several leaks in the home.

Get leak repair from a trusted plumber at Heidler, Inc. in Annapolis, MD by calling (410) 268-7191 to do a water meter test.

All You Need to Know About Your Sewer Line

3 Signs Your Sewer Line Needs Repair

Sewer line issues are some of the more stressful problems a homeowner will ever encounter. No one likes to be without indoor plumbing, and yet all too frequently the warnings signs are ignored due to simple ignorance.

The more you can learn about how your sewer line works, warning signs to watch out for and preventative maintenance measures, the less likely you will ever be in a situation where your Annapolis area home needs costly plumbing repairs.

In this post, learn about three common signs that your sewer line is in need of repair.

 Annapolis, MD sewer-line-repair-1How Your Home’s Sewer System Works

Here, it can be helpful to understand more about the parts of your home’s sewer system that you can’t see because they are underneath the house itself. Basically you have a central plumbing line that serves as a main conduit out of your home. There are a number of smaller lines that lead from the various appliances, including your toilets and sinks.

At some point, usually near or at the curb, your personal home’s sewer line links up with the sewer line for your township or city sewer system. At this point, any clog or blockage or any other repair issue is usually a matter for the governing body rather than you as a homeowner.

By moving quickly to address any issues present in “your” part of the sewer line, you can avoid any liability for larger sewer line issues that may otherwise develop and affect other homeowners in your neighborhood as well.

The following three signs are some of the most common symptoms to look for that indicate your sewer line may be in need of repairs. The goal in identifying these symptoms is to avoid ever having to face a full-scale sewer line blockage.

Sign #1. Your home and the area surrounding it smells awful.

If you live in an area with lots of old or large trees, tree roots that intersect with sewer lines will likely be an issue at some point. If a root or some other obstacle has caused a crack or break in the sewer line, your sense of smell will likely be the first of your senses to notice it.

The smell itself is most likely to resemble rotted food or eggs, a sour or stale “cold” odor or a musty smell similar to mildew and mold or even wet decaying grass. You may find it smells like “underground,” which is exactly where it is coming from.

You may smell the odor only outdoors or  inside your house. If it is inside the Annapolis residence, it will likely be stronger around your plumbing-connected fixtures and nearer to the floor. When you hear odd noises (clanking, grumbling, gurgling) combined with a bad smell, you can be even more certain there may be a compromised plumbing line that is leaking.

A symptom of a more serious brewing issue is when you find a bad smell combined with some mysteriously wet or damp areas in the lawn around your home’s premises. This can indicate a sewer line is leaking toxic material out into your yard. If you see pests such as insects or rodents gravitating towards these areas, it is even more likely that sewage waste is being leaked into your lawn.

 Annapolis, MD sewer-line-repair-2Sign #2. Your toilets, sinks, and tubs begin to gurgle, drain slowly or clog up.

Toilets that gurgle or sweat, sinks that drain slowly or tubs that are easily clogged up even when no obvious clogs are present are all tell tale symptoms that a plumbing line issue may be brewing beneath your home. If you notice your fixtures interacting with one another (for example, if your toilet gurgles while your washing machine drains), this is an even more certain sign that there may be a plumbing line issue.

Another common related symptom is having a toilet start backing up after it has been working just fine and you can’t find any sign of the reason why. Sometimes auguring it will help, but if there is a bigger sewer line issue at work, auguring will likely offer you a temporary fix for the next few flushes and then the problem will come right back.

Sign #3. The water level in your toilet changes for no apparent reason.

A particularly easy symptom for most homeowners to notice is when the water in the bowl of your toilets starts to fluctuate up or down without notice. You may notice that the water level becomes oddly low or even that the bowl seems to drain out entirely after a flush. Or you may notice that the water level stays higher after a flush than what you are used to.

If your toilets or other fixtures begin humming, gurgling, sweating (when condensation forms on the outside of your toilet’s tank) or grumbling, this just adds evidence to the case that you may have a sewer line issue brewing. If your toilet ever overflows for no discernible reason, this could also indicate a major water level fluctuation rather than a particular blockage.

As well, if the water in your toilet changes colors, seems to “run” all the time (as if the flush never quite finishes its cycle) or can be seen to be dripping down the side of the bowl, this too can be a sign of a sewer line issue.

By understanding some of the most common warning signs of an impending sewer line problem, you can take action right away to identify the source of the problem and remedy it. By taking action promptly, you can save yourself time and money and save your family the hardship of dealing with a broken sewer line.

Here, it can also be a wise idea to develop a relationship with a trusted local plumbing company and schedule at least an annual maintenance checkup to be sure no larger plumbing issues are developing.

For quality plumbing services in your city or home, call Heidler, Inc at (410) 268-7191 in Annapolis, MD.

Why You Should Drain Your Water Heater

How to Drain Your Water Heater and Why

Water heaters will accumulate sediment over time. It’s unavoidable since the water is collected from your local water supply. Annapolis residents must be mindful of sediment levels in their water tank. Keeping them to a low levels protects the quality of your water supply and limits the internal damage that could happen to the tank.

Annapolis, MD water-heater-servicesHow often should the water heater be drained?

In areas where there isn’t a hard water problem, the water heater should be drained on an annual basis. In areas where the water supply has hard water, the heater should be drained semi-annually. Sediment levels increase at a much quicker rate in areas where
the water is hard due to a higher level of minerals found in the water.

How do you detect water heater problems?

Water heaters can exhibit signs of stress if sediment amounts reach a certain level. One of the most common signs is that the water can take a much longer time to warm. This is because the sediment can form a barrier within the tank that affects heat transfer. Another sign to watch for is if the water heater makes odd signs when the system is running.

The odd noises show that the system is working much harder than it normally would due to high levels of sediment that has accumulated in the tank. The water supplied to your home may appear to be harder. The hard water is a sign that the sediment found in the tank is making its way to your plumbing fixtures. Finally, the water flow may become restricted. The clogging is due to the fixtures having to transport sediment that can harden in the plumbing. The water is transported at a much a slower rate than usual because of the buildup attributed to sediment lodged in the pipelines.

How do you drain the water heater?

There are two ways to collect the water as it is being drained from the system. One way is to use a bucket and remove the water collected within multiple trips. The other method requires that the hose be placed far away from the property, so that the hot water doesn’t scald any pets or young children. First, the water supply needs to be turned off followed by the electricity or gas.

The hose should be attached to the drain valve, so that it collects the heated water. Both the drain valve and pressure relief valve should be opened to free the water. Once all of the water is removed, close both valves. Restore the power to unit, and fill the tank with hot water again.

Draining the water heater maintains the performance of your Annapolis system. It promotes energy efficiency and softens the water.

If you haven’t drained your Annapolis, MD water heater in a while, you can schedule an appointment today with Heidler, Inc. at (410) 268-7191.


Our Best Tips on How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

Plumber Recommended Methods for Fixing a Leaky Faucet

Among the common problems that seem small but can turn out to be very big is a leaky faucet in your Annapolis home. While many people would find these to be small problems that are annoying, if left unchecked, a big leaky faucet can get out of control. It is important to fix the faucet. In order to fix the faucet, you must know the methods of doing so.

Annapolis, MD Plumber | Faucet Leak Repair ServicesKnow the Problem

When trying to decide what to do about the slow leak, it is important to know some facts about the leak. When you get some facts, then you will know that a leaky faucet is nothing to play with.

It can cost you financially and could even do some damage to your home depending on where the faucet is leaking. For instance, you could be trying to save water, but because of a leaky faucet, you are left having to pay a large water bill. This is one of the most frustrating occurrences to deal with.

Look for Causes

There are many different causes of a leaky faucet. You need to make sure that you find the right problem to fix. If you fix the wrong component, you will find that the leak is still going. Instead, it is better to look at the faucet and see all of the possible causes of a leaky faucet. This could be anything from a worn seat washer, loose handle, broken seals, or anything else.

Call a Plumber

In the case you can’t find the cause of the leak, you can always call a plumber to look at the leaky faucet. Plumbers are typically experienced with all aspects of plumbing which include handling the faucet and all of the problems that come with it.

The plumber can look at your faucet and determine what is causing the leak and decide what can be done about it. He will also be able to replace the full faucet if it needs to be done. This will not only stop the annoying leaks but also save you money.

There are plenty of plumbers in your Annapolis area that are experienced and have the skills to fix leaks. There are also plumbers that are available to perform regular checks on your faucet in order to make sure everything is working well. They will provide some of the best and most attentive service you could hope for.

For service of the highest quality in your Annapolis, MD home, call Heidler Plumbing, INC at (410) 268-7191.

The Newest Toilet Tech is Here!

The Latest Toilet Technologies

When indoor plumbing was first introduced, nobody could have imagined the innovations that would come along over the years. However, as with other aspects of modern living, technology has made its way into the bathroom of cities all over the world, including Annapolis.

Because the lives of many people have become more stressful than ever, the bathroom is now a place to relax after a difficult day. To help with this, engineers have created toilets that use technology in a variety of interesting ways.

Annapolis, MD | Toilet TechnologiesIf It’s Comfort You Want

If there is one thing most people want today, it’s a comfortable toilet seat. That’s why engineers have developed toilet seats that can be heated up automatically to provide a warm and comfortable experience for everyone.

Rather than sitting on a cold toilet seat, a person can now simply push a button and have their toilet seat warmed up in a matter of moments. To go along with a warm seat, many toilets also come with dryers and massaging sprayers to make the experience even more pleasant. And to make sure a person is totally relaxed, many toilets even come with built-in stereos to let people listen to their favorite tunes.

There’s a Golf Ball in the Drain

Through the years, people have always complained about how easily toilets can get clogged. To solve this problem, manufacturers decided to use a combination of siphoning and water line pressure to give the toilets more power than ever, virtually guaranteeing a clog-free bathroom.

And to prove their point, engineers even used more than two dozen golf balls being flushed down a toilet to show just how clog-free newer models have become.

Let’s Check Your Blood Pressure

Believe it or not, you can now purchase a toilet that will work with you to maintain good health. If you or a family member have medical issues, toilets have now been made to monitor pulse rates, body temperatures, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels whenever a person is sitting down on the toilet.

Quickly gaining in popularity with many senior citizens, these toilets are expected to eventually become a common part of many bathrooms. In fact, some companies believe that over the next decade, these toilets will be as common in a bathroom as a toothbrush or medicine cabinet. You could possibly have one in your Annapolis home soon enough.

For excellent service in your Annapolis, MD home, please call Heidler Plumbing, INC at (410) 268-7191 today.

Bathroom Remodeling Trends of 2016

The Top 3 Bathroom Remodeling Trends to Watch for in 2016

Bathrooms represent one of the most valuable places in any Annapolis home. While not as “open” as kitchens, they are still a place where residents will spend a majority of their time.

This means that renovating a bathroom can often improve the entire home.

Let’s examine some bathroom remodeling trends to watch in 2016. These may be just what you need to make your bathroom into something spectacular, modern and comfortable.

Annapolis, MD Bathroom-Trends-20161. Functionality First

Many aging bathrooms have cabinets, shelves, and countless other places for clutter to collect. This represents wasted space and can detract from the overall aesthetic value of a bathroom.

One of the prevalent remodeling trends for 2016 will be a return to function. This focus will allow form to follow after function, which in turn will reduce the overall amount of clutter bathrooms experience and make bathrooms more appealing.

This means the primary goal of your remodeling should be to provide function in your bathroom, which is a goal that a larger sink or more comfortable commode can help reach. A plumbing professional should be utilized to ensure that your new renovations are installed properly.

2. Metallic Fixtures

Metal fixtures offer a simple way to increase the glamor and overall aesthetics of your bathroom.

Two avenues exist for this trend: rustic and polished metals. The former allow for a more “homely” and comfortable feeling to your bathroom, while polished metals can help your bathroom feel more spacious and modern.

Both of these types of fixtures can and should be installed with the help of a reliable plumbing professional. Doing so will help to reduce the prevalence of leaks, which in turn will reduce unwanted side effects like rust and ensure that your fixtures are efficient on water usage.

3. Water-Efficient Faucets, Fixtures and Components

Water-efficiency is something that has been a focus of bathrooms in recent years. This trend will continue into 2016.

Low-flow toilets, water-efficient showers and water-saving faucets are all things that a plumbing professional can help you install. The heightened efficiency of these devices combinedwith a proper, leak-free installation will help make every drop of water count.

Other components of your plumbing can be upgraded to be even more efficient. These can include on-site electric water heaters, leak-free tub plugs and replacing seals to further increase water efficiency– which means a lower Annapolis water bill.

To make the most out of your bathroom in Annapolis, MD contact Heidler Plumbing, INC by calling (410) 268-7191.

Our Plumbers Recommend Techniques for Unclogging a Sink

Plumber Recommended Techniques for Unclogging a Sink

If you have ever experienced clogged drains and sink and nothing seems to work, getting frustrated only brings negative impact on your health. Instead, by calling a professional plumber, all your Annapolis, MD home’s clog related issues will be taken care of instantly.

There are many areas in a house where drain clog can occur. Kitchen is the most notorious area for this type of incidence. Taking drastic measures in order to unclog the sink may worsen the problem if not done correctly. What you can do in the future is prevent this mishap from occurring in the first place.

Annapolis, MD draincleaning_720Things To Do To Prevent Clogs

For this, make a home-made solution and pour it into the sinks and drains clogged by food and other particles. Try to use a plunger by forcing the drain to clear. Use warm water to fill the drain and wait for a few minutes before flushing it. Continue doing this until the drain is clear.

Using Special Tools To Remove Clogs

If the above step doesn’t work, you could use drain snake. A drain snake is sold in any home improvement store and is a powerful tool in removing the clog. Carefully insert the hooked end of the drain snake into the clogged drain and move it downward to reach the bottom of the drain until the hook is able to latch onto the source of the clog. Gently shake the clog until it loosens and slowly retract the tool along with the particles responsible for the clog.

Powerful commercial tools for unclogging are used by plumbers when the debris beneath are hard to remove. Unclogging solutions are sometimes used for this purpose. Make sure to read the label and follow the instructions carefully. Better yet, leave the task to a professional plumber. While applying the solutions, the plumber will see that it is not harmful to the surrounding or causing adverse effect on the drains and sinks. After a while or after the debris are removed, flush the drain or sink down with water to make sure the path is clear.

Seeking Professional Help

On many occasions and in homes that do have garbage disposal or latest sinks and drain models, you may encounter stubborn clogs that strictly need professional help. No matter what you do, these clogs are hard to go. Remember not to overexert yourself or else you are doing permanent damage to your Annapolis plumbing structures.

Unclogging a sink is a job for the pros. Call Heidler Plumbing at (410) 268-7191 for plumbing service in your Annapolis, MD home!