A Simple Introduction To Shower Plumbing

a shower turned on

Learning About the Plumbing System

Most people shower at least once a day, if not more. Showers are the centerpieces of the bathroom in the modern home, but they are also the heart of plumbing issues. But that makes sense; the more something is used, the more care it will need. Showers require weekly maintenance to maintain their efficiency, but they need a professional to eradicate a serious issue. 

Because of this, homeowners need to understand how their plumbing system works. Not only that, but how the plumbing connects to their showers as well. It is the only way to maintain a shower properly. It is also the only way to know when a professional is needed. 

A Home’s Plumbing System

a plumber at work

The average plumbing system doesn’t need any fancy technology. All it needs are some pipes, a little water pressure and gravity. 

Sure, it sounds easy, but in all actuality, the plumbing system is a complex maze of pipes that have to be installed in the right place and at the exact right angle to function properly. It takes the knowledge of a trained and experienced professional to install a plumbing system. Otherwise, there will only be endless clogs leading to broken pipes. 

A home’s plumbing system works like this: 

  • Water flows into the home through a water supply line
  • Water leaves the home through a drain-waste line
  • Gravity keeps everything in motion 
  • Water enters the home through the water heater
  • The water heater sends it everywhere it needs to go inside the home
  • The water is turned on and flows through a plumbing fixture in the home
  • Water leaves the home through the drain-waste line

Learning How Bathroom Plumbing Works

a clean bathroom

Bathrooms are typically one of the smallest rooms in the home, yet they generally have the most plumbing fixtures. That is why it’s crucial to know how your bathroom’s plumbing system works; all those pipes mean that there is a lot of opportunity for error. To keep the system working properly, homeowners must know what to look for in case of plumbing issues. 

Above all the other fixtures in the bathroom, the toilet is unique in that:

  • The process starts by flushing the toilet
  • Water and waste leave the toilet 
  • Clean water enters the bowl in place of the wastewater
  • If the pipes are clear, the waste leaves the home efficiently

The fixtures that have hot and cold water spouts work as valves regardless of the tub. When the hot water spout turns, the valve opens and allows the water to flow out. Then the same process mentioned above repeats itself with each use.

Understanding Shower Plumbing

Whether the home has a bathtub that turns into a shower or only has a stand-alone shower, this part of the bathroom has its own plumbing pipes as well. It might seem confusing at a glance, but its functionality is essentially the same as the rest of the home. 

Below is an overview of the parts that make up the shower plumbing: 

  • Showerhead 
  • Base pan
  • Drain
  • Valves
  • Faucets
  • Strainer
  • Cartridge
  • Water supply line
  • Drain-waste line
  • Hot water line
  • Cold water line

The pipes in a shower can be made from copper, metal or even plastic. Many people in today’s world are starting to convert to plastic or PVC pipes because it’s durable and weather resistant. 

a shower head being fixed

Knowing how the shower plumbing works is helpful when a plumber is needed. Having a basic understanding of how the shower plumbing works doesn’t mean a homeowner should try to maintain it on their own. Plumbing is still something that should always be handled by a trained professional. 

Heidler, Inc. Is There When You Need Them Most

When in need of a skilled plumbing professional with hands-on experience, look no further than the experts at Heidler, Inc. They know plumbing, and they understand the industry. Feel safe in trusting that they will get the job done right every time!

Things You Didn’t Know About Thermostats

Smart Home Thermostat

Working Thermostat Issues

Working Thermostat IssuesIf you’re like most people, there’s nothing better than coming home after a long day at work to a nice cool house in the summer. But when you open your front door and there’s no cold air to greet you, you’re likely to think that your air conditioner is on the fritz. You might be surprised to know, however, that your air conditioner may not be to blame at all. So what could it be? Your thermostat.

Thermostats are often overlooked when homeowners experience heating or cooling problems but they are often the culprit of temperature control problems. So rather than blaming it on the HVAC unit you have running, have a look at your thermometer first. You might be surprised by what you find.

Read on to refresh your knowledge about how thermostats work, learn how to fix a thermostat, and find out how to care for your HVAC unit to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

How a Thermostat Works

The Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

A thermostat is often ignored but it’s the most important part of your HVAC system. Why? Because that little piece of plastic and glass that is mounted to your wall controls the whole unit. Thermostats have come a long way from where they started out. It used to be common to set the temperature in your house by pushing a needle to the temperature mark and then you’d leave it there. Your only choices were on or off and that was it. 

These days, thermometers are becoming increasingly “smart” and have numerous capabilities and functions that make your life easier. Smart thermostats allow you to set different temperatures for different times in the day, pre-program when your HVAC unit should stop and start, and can even set different temperatures for different rooms in your house. 

Whether you have a “smart” or a “dumb” thermostat, HVAC technicians install them in the same way. Wiring from the unit is connected to the HVAC unit allowing the thermostat to send a signal to the unit for when to turn on or shut off at the right times.

Fixing a Thermostat

Fixing a ThermostatThermostats are largely ignored when it comes to the overall function of HVAC units. However, your thermostat is one of the most important pieces of the process. So how can thermostats break and what do HVAC techs look for?

First, many thermostats are not only connected to a home’s electricity but are battery-powered. If a thermostat isn’t working, this is the first place to check. Changing the batteries might be all it takes for it to come back to life. Secondly, thermostats can get bumped into the “off” position. While this isn’t a “break,”, it’s certainly a problem if you can’t figure out why your HVAC unit isn’t working. 

Techs will often check to make sure all the settings are still on. Finally, they’ll remove the unit from the wall and check the wiring. If the wiring has been chewed through or has simply come disconnected from the unit, a replacement wire should get your thermostat back up and running in no time.

HVAC Maintenance Tips

Along with checking your thermostat to ensure proper functioning, it’s essential to maintain your HVAC unit regularly. Have an HVAC technician perform a visual inspection once a year. If they notice any problem areas, they’ll be able to take care of it right away. They’ll change filters, clean the unit of dust and debris, and check the condensation drain for backups. These yearly checkups are essential to keep your unit running smoothly.

Professional, Reliable HVAC Techs

Heidler Plumbing has provided quality plumbing and HVAC services for all of Annapolis, MD since 1947. Heidler Plumbing is family owned and operated and offers up-front, flat rate pricing on all their plumbing services.

Need-To-Know Faucet Leak Facts

Save the Headaches With These Faucet Leak Tips

As building technology improves, so do the materials that make up the plumbing systems in your home. If you’re lucky, big plumbing problems are few and far between. However, leaking faucets are still one of the most common issues plaguing homeowners’ plumbing systems.

The constant drip of leaking kitchen faucets can keep you up at all hours of the night and potentially cost you lots of money in utility costs. Fortunately, there are plumbers that want to help you be on the look-out for leaks and know what to do when you find them. Their advice may also save you substantial money by avoiding damage that can be caused by chronic leaks.

When to Call for Faucet Leak Services

While it may seem innocuous, a faucet leak is really one of the more urgent and destructive plumbing problems you may experience. The lack of urgency may even contribute to the problems that leaking faucets can cause. Commonly, leaks happen in the outlet of the fixture and constantly drip water down into the sink basin or tub, even when the faucet handle is closed. Such a problem is not destructive but it does waste a great deal of water.

leak services

More destructive leaks occur in places that aren’t as easily noticeable. Valves and connections within the faucet fixture itself can begin to leak and allow water to drain down under the sink. Often these leaks can go unnoticed for quite some time and damage cabinets and floors.

Outdoor water spigots are also a common place for leaks to occur. When constant moisture is allowed to be present near your home, wood-eating insects like termites and ants can be attracted and put your home in danger of an infestation.

How Plumbing Services Fix Faucets

plumbing servicesFixing faucet leaks is generally a quick fix. Faucets are made with perishable parts that are intended to be replaced when they start to wear out. Some of the things a plumber will check or replace when they perform a faucet repair include:
  • Valve Stems
  • Valve Seats
  • O-Rings
  • Washers
  • Faucet Gasket
  • Hose Connections

Essentially, any connection within a faucet itself or between the fixture and the water cut-offs on the wall has the potential to begin to leak. Keeping an eye on these areas will ensure that you catch leaks as soon as they appear, even if they are hidden from view inside a cupboard.

Total Cost of Faucet Leaks

The cost of repairing a leaky faucet is small compared to the cost of ignoring it. Even a small drip can add up to huge amounts of water over the course of a year, costing you money on your water bill. Secondary costs can add up, too, if the water is leaking from the hot water side of the faucet since you will be paying the utilities to heat all that wasted water.

faucet leak cost

Furthermore, if you have a whole-home water softener, you’ll be paying for the operation of it regardless of if the leak is from the hot water side or cold water side of the faucet.

About Heidler, Inc.

Heidler, Inc. has been performing plumbing maintenance and repair in the Annapolis, MD area since 1947. Generations of homeowners have been trusting their plumbing to these professionals.

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The Key to Filtering Viruses at Home

How an Air Purifier Can Help Keep Your Home Safe

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At a time when viruses and air contamination issues seem to be controlling the outside world, maintaining proper air quality indoors will keep you healthy as you are quarantined in your home.

Air purifiers are a great way to keep the air quality in your home excellent while also helping fight diseases. These systems won’t 100% rid a house from the coronavirus, but it will help keep your home safer than the outside air.

When you use an air purifier you are filtering out extra impurities in the air that your HVAC system’s air filter didn’t catch. It’s an extra step in the purification process of the air within your home. Continue reading to learn exactly how an air purifier can help you stay safe inside your home.

What You Need to Know About Air Purifiers

Air purifiers help eliminate allergens and major dust and hair issues within your home to keep your air as clean as possible when you are stuck inside. They even help combat other diseases as well.

Essentially, an air purifier will suck the air from your home through a series of air filters using a set of fans. Once the air passes through the filters, it is then cycled back into your home cleaner than before. Air purifiers help eliminate things like:

  • air purifiersDust
  • Pollen
  • Bacteria
  • Hair
  • Dirt

The act of the air circulating through the extra filters can actually remove some viruses, like the flu virus, from the air. It is a great idea to have an air purifier during this time because pollen is high and it will help fight against seasonal allergies that have similar symptoms to coronavirus.

An air purifier cleans these things from the air so you can breathe easier. It also helps to circulate the air in your home to keep it from getting stagnant.

Quarantine Air Flow Quality


An air purifier will help you in other ways aside from clearing pollen and bacteria from the air within your home. When you are sitting at home for hours on end, the air in your home can start to seem stale and your house can seemingly take on a musty smell.

If you invest in an air purifier, you will never have to worry about stale air in your home again. The air purifier will constantly circulate the air, which not only keeps the flow moving but keeps smells to a minimum as well as health issues.

Even if you have to leave your house for groceries or some other necessity, whatever bacteria you bring back with you, the air purifier will work to eliminate, as it will create its own air-flow quarantine.

Gathering the Right Information

right informationJust to be clear, an air purifier will not cure coronavirus. It will, however, fight against allergies, the flu, and a few other viruses and diseases. It is important to properly inform yourself during this time.

There is a lot of information going around about the coronavirus and not all of it is completely factual. It is vital to understand where you are getting your information from and who you are trusting for truthful facts.

Some companies can be trusted and are spreading appropriate information, while others may be sharing false truths about possible “cures.” Just remember to stay cautious in order to stay safe during this time.

Heidler, Inc. Keeps Your Air Clean

Heidler, Inc.’s award-winning services are sure to keep you satisfied. They offer all kinds of services to help make sure your home’s HVAC system is running properly during these times.

How to Avoid Broken Pipes in the Spring

Preventing Burst Pipes in the Rainy Season

Many people love spring. It’s the time of year when everything starts to come alive again. It’s the time of year the weather starts to warm up again, but it’s also the time of year for an increase in rainstorms. Heavy rain isn’t good for plumbing systems. It can cause all kinds of problems, especially to plumbing systems that don’t receive regular maintenance.

Plumbers get called all the time in the spring, but there are ways you can prevent expensive damages to your plumbing system and home. Continue reading to learn more about ways to prevent pipes from bursting due to heavy rainfall.

The Dangers of High Water Pressure

water tipsRain can cause all sorts of problems in your home, but one thing no one ever wants is for their house to flood. Your house is supposed to keep the rain out, so when it doesn’t do its job, your life gets frustrating.

You may think you just have a house that is prone to flooding when in reality, it’s your plumbing system causing all the grief and it can easily be prevented. Excess rainwater causes water pressure to build up within the plumbing systems.

This water pressure is too much for plumbing and can lead to the pipes bursting or cracking. Once this happens, it’s only a matter of time before the water is entering your home. A few ways to avoid this from happening are:

  • Making sure your gutters are cleaned out before the rainy season hits.
  • Getting your plumbing maintenance done yearly before the spring.
  • Having a sump pump installed in your home.

How to Avoid Burst Pipes

As mentioned above, the best way to avoid burst pipes is to have a yearly camera inspection done for preventative maintenance. These inspections give you an inside look of the state of your piping system so you can stay on top of the problem before it occurs. There’s nothing better for your plumbing system than taking care of it.

avoid bursts

While your plumbing is getting inspected, it’s also a good idea to have the outdoor drainage maintenance done. This will ensure that any rainfall the spring brings will not pool up around your home’s foundation. This will alleviate any added stress from water weight.

Professional Burst Pipe Services

A professional will arrive on the scene to first assess and locate the problem. Once the problem has been properly assessed, the professional plumber can decide the best course of action for repairs.

They will most likely choose one of these options:

  • pro plumbersCured-In Place
  • Pulled-In Place
  • Pipe Bursting Method
  • Repiping

Cured-in place and pulled-in place are both trenchless methods for repairing pipes, but they can only be done if the damages aren’t extensive. Sometimes, if the plumbing hasn’t been taken care of for many years or your plumbing system is just old, the problem may require repiping. This can get expensive, but sometimes it’s the only option. That is why maintenance is so important.

Heidler, Inc. Gets Plumbing Work Done Right

The experts at Heidler, Inc. have been leaders when it comes to plumbing solutions in Annapolis since 1947. They are a trusted part of the community because they care. Head over to their website for coupons on your next appointment.

The Dangers of “Do It Yourself” Furnace Repair Projects

Call a Professional to Repair Your Furnace

DIY projects are getting more and more popular. There is no question that when it comes to small projects, doing it yourself is sometimes cheaper. However, when it comes to things that require a professional, it is best to leave it to the professionals. People enjoy doing things for themselves and making things on their own, but when it comes to your furnace you really should leave that to the professionals.

There are many components involved in repairing a furnace and trying to repair one without any prior knowledge of heating appliances can end dangerously. If money is the issue, you could also save more money by calling a professional for help because then you know you are for sure getting the job done right the first time. Continue reading to learn more about why it is best to let a professional work on your furnace when it needs to be serviced.

Feel Safer: Call a Professional

pro technician heidlerThere are “how-to” articles all over the internet that could potentially give you a step by step of how to repair your own furnace. In reality, though, your furnace could have more than one thing wrong with it, which means you are stuck with a partially fixed furnace and end up having to call an expert anyway.

If your furnace isn’t heating at all you could be having ignition source issues and trying to fix this on your own could turn into a dangerous task that ends in you being electrocuted. This is something that should never happen, and when you call a professional from the get-go, he will be able to fix an ignition issue no problem at all.

Not to mention, when you hire a professional he will be insured by the company he works for. This HVAC insurance will keep you safe in the event that a problem occurs. If you or the employee gets hurt or something happens to your furnace or house, the company will pay to fix all damages.

Looking for a Quick Solution?

Looking at your furnace, it may seem like a quick and simple fix at first. However, once you get started, it is sure to prove to be more time consuming than originally anticipated. You must first find an article that accurately represents the problem you think your furnace is experiencing.

Then, you must purchase all the necessary tools and parts needed to repair the furnace. After that, you must take the time to learn the article and try to repair your furnace properly.

quick solution

Chances are, you will end up making more than a couple of trips to the store and spending the majority of your day trying to repair a simple fix that a professional could have done in a matter of an hour or two. Leave the work and stress to the professionals and save yourself time and money.

The Proper Diagnosis

system repairIf you want to find out what is actually wrong with your furnace, you will need the help of a professional. A Google article may be able to tell you how to fix a small problem, but figuring out where the problem began and if it is leading to further issues will only be figured out with the help of an expert set of eyes.

A professional will be able to see exactly how old some of the parts are and diagnose the entire situation, they also recommend further replacements before bigger issues occur, thus solving problems before they even happen and saving you money in the future.

Heidler, Inc. Is Here for You

Heidler, Inc. has been the leader in plumbing and heating since 1947. They have spent their years serving the community of Annapolis, MD and keeping your home safe and warm. They also offer coupons on their website so you can trust you are getting the best deal on their plumbing, remodeling, and heating services. Call and schedule your next appointment today!

Catch (And Fix) a Running Toilet Before It Is Too Late!

A Running Toilet Is No Joke

Is your toilet running? Maybe it signed up for a 5k; you’d better go catch it! A classic joke for a common household problem. Unfortunately, no homeowner finds a running toilet amusing.

The sound of constant running or cycling water in the tank is not only an annoyance, but that’s also the sound of money quickly leaking away. That’s because a running toilet is more than just background noise–it is an active plumbing leak that can waste gallons of water every day. Read on to learn what causes a running toilet, and how to fix and prevent them in the future.

Two Main Reasons Behind Running Toilets

There are two main things that are causes for a running toilet:

  1. The flapper: Also known as a “flush valve seal”, this is the plug that keeps water in the toilet’s tank until the next flush. If the seal had hardened or broken, water is able to leak out, causing the water in the tank to continuously have to refill.
    To test for a leaky flapper, take a paint stick and push down on the flapper. If the running stops, the flapper is the cause. Homeowners can also check the flapper chain to ensure it isn’t getting caught on anything and has enough slack (but not too much) to let the flapper create a good seal.
  2. The fill valve: After every flush, the toilet tank refills with water via the fill valve. If this component is leaking, then it is constantly running new water into the tank.
reasons behind running toilets

To test for a fill valve leak, flush the toilet. Check the fill valve for a leak. Adjust the float to see if the leak stops. If it continues, the fill valve is the reason behind the running toilet.

Basic Steps and Tools for Fixing Running Toilets

Flappers and fill valves are both available at most home improvement stores and come with instructions for installation. Most homeowners can complete the following steps themselves to fix a running toilet:

  1. Determine the cause, using the methods listed above.
  2. Purchase the necessary part(s) from a home improvement store. For flappers, homeowners may have difficulty locating a new one in the exact same size or shape. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a universal flapper.
  3. Replace the faulty component by installing the new pieces, per the instructions on the packaging. Be sure to turn off the water supply and empty the tank completely before installing a new fill valve. Some tools that may be needed while fixing running toilets are:
  • fixing running toiletsHacksaw
  • Pliers
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench

For homeowners that are uncomfortable working on the toilet themselves, calling a professional plumber can save both the time and hassle of fixing running toilets.

Tips for Preventing Running Toilets

Making sure that all of the components in the toilet are working properly and efficiently is the only way to prevent running toilets. Leaks happen naturally as part of normal wear and tear, but by fixing problems early and not letting a running toilet run for very long, homeowners can avoid losing money as it trickles out to cause bigger damage down the road.

preventing running toilets

Additionally, if you need help, you can always contact a local plumber. Not only will they be able to help you with your initial running toilet issues, but also they can work with you to prevent these problems in the future.

About Heidler, Inc.

Heidler, Inc. has earned the Angie’s List Super Service Award for twelve straight years. Their licensed plumbing and heating technicians offer unparalleled plumbing services in Annapolis and surrounding areas. Serving customers since 1947, Heidler, Inc. has developed a reputation for being trustworthy with its clients.

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How to Follow The Perfect Habits to Save Money on Your Heating

Have you Tried these Habits to Save Money?

For many people, the winter months mean higher utility bills. With the colder days of January and February, more people turn to their furnace or heaters to stay warm and cozy. The result is often substantially higher heating bills than homeowners are used to.

The good news, however, is that there are things you can do to lower these costs. Here are some tips from local professionals about ways you can work to save money on your utility bill this winter.

Take the Time to Make your Home Airtight

make home air tightYou’d be surprised how much warm air can escape from your home through small cracks or leaks. What’s worse, not only do these spots let warm air out, but they also let cold air in. The result is that it can be difficult and inefficient to keep your home warm during the winter.

Avoid this issue by sealing any cracks or leaks. Use caulk to seal any leaks around doors, windows, or floors. Additionally, consider adding insulation in your home to better ensure that you’re not losing too much cold air.

The good news, however, is that taking the time to thoroughly insulate your home will help to make it more efficient all year long. It’s well worth the time that it will take.

Stay on Top of HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your system is working efficiently. By keeping your unit clean and in good condition, you make sure that it’s working properly and that nothing is inhibiting its performance.

keep heating system clean

Have your heater cleaned, inspected, and serviced at least once a year, this will also keep clean air inside your house. However, if you have any concerns about how it’s working, schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

It’s Worth it to Replace Old HVAC Parts

replace old hvac partsIf you have old HVAC parts or components, your unit might not be functioning as effectively and efficiently as it could be. To avoid this issue, it’s worth taking the time to update your unit. Doing this will help you avoid ongoing issues and will save you money.

It can also help you avoid an HVAC emergency or an outage in the midst of the coldest days of the year. It can be tempting to work your HVAC unit until it completely stops working. However, doing so will often end up costing you more money and leading to more hassle.

Avoid these problems by timely updating your HVAC unit. Regular HVAC inspections can help let you know when parts of your unit are in need of replacement. If you have any concerns about how your unit is functioning or are concerned about the way your heater is working, contact an HVAC professional. Doing so could help you save time and money and let you avoid an HVAC emergency.

Heidler, Inc. is Here to Help!

Heidler, Inc. has been providing the Annapolis community with quality plumbing services since 1947. Now a full-service heating and plumbing team, they are available 24/7 to handle any heating or furnace issues you have.

Use Plumbing Decorations to Improve Your Holiday Decor!

How Plumbing Decorations Can Add to Your Holiday Decor

During the holidays, houses on every street are decorated to match the festive feel of the holiday. But what happens when your holiday lawn scene is interrupted by unsightly plumbing and pipes? Far from being a nuisance, unsightly plumbing can be decorated to become part of your holiday decor.

Here are some tips and tricks to decorate your unsightly plumbing and add to the festive feeling of your holiday decorations.

Dress Up Your Outdoor Plumbing

outdoor plumbingMany homes with crawl space foundations have decks and patios that are raised above the ground. This setup often results in water pipes and other plumbing being seen underneath the deck or patio. The last thing you want to deal with is unsightly outdoor plumbing that runs right through your holiday scene.

Use these tips and tricks to disguise your plumbing while creating your holiday wonderland. First, wrap piping in wire and fabric ribbon to mimic a candy cane. The candy cane effect is best with red ribbon on white piping.

You can also match the color scheme of your decor should you choose. White piping will work well with any color ribbon. Second, hide water spigots behind statues or inflatable decor. Use the spigot to tie down statues for extra support. Using spigots as support allows them to remain accessible while staying hidden and out of the way.

Kitchen Faucet Decor

The kitchen is an enjoyable place to add some holiday decor and charm. While you can decorate the cupboards and add festive plates and vases to your countertops, the kitchen faucet often goes overlooked. Here are a few easy ideas to incorporate your kitchen faucet into the festive holiday scene. Use wire and fabric ribbon to create a candy cane effect.

kitchen faucet

Tie a bow or wrap the faucet with a strand of outdoor battery-operated holiday lights. To give your faucet and extra whimsical feel, use brown pipe cleaners to add reindeer antlers to the highest part of your faucet. Even adding a ribbon scarf can make a dull sink look fun and festive.

Don’t Forget Your Bathroom Plumbing

bathroom plumbingThere are many options if you want to decorate your bathrooms for the holidays. The guest bathroom is an excellent place to add some holiday decor to your home. Cover your toilet seat and lid with festive themed covers.

Many toilet mat sets come with a floor mat as well, completing the picture. Add festive shower curtains and a brightly colored shower mat, and you’ll have a complete holiday scene to the delight of your guests.

Add battery operated outdoor lights to the surround of your shower, sink, or mirror for a fun glow that becomes a nightlight when the house lights are off. Holiday lights are perfect for helping guests find their way when they spend the night in your home.

Trust Your Local Plumber

Heidler, Inc. is a family-owned and operated plumbing company serving Annapolis since 1947. Offering full-range plumbing, remodeling, and heating needs, they are experts and leaders in the industry. Heidler, Inc. provides 24/7 services and guaranteed flat-rates for all your plumbing needs.

Thank Your Heating And Cooling Technicians This Thanksgiving

Remember Your HVAC Technician On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has been a tradition in this country since the days of the Pilgrims. It is a day to break bread with family and to be thankful for all the blessings in life. It is on this holiday that people remember the little things that are often taken for granted. Things like the heating system and air conditioning, which help keep modern lives as comfortable as possible. As you give thanks for these things, don’t forget to give thanks to the people who keep them running.

HVAC technicians are the men and women who are there for you at 3 AM when the heater won’t start. They are there on a Sunday when the AC konks out, and it is 90 degrees and humid. HVAC techs help keep everyone comfortable all year long. On Thanksgiving, remember all of the things that would not be possible without them.

They Improve Indoor Air Quality

indoor air qualityMany homeowners do not realize how closely their HVAC system ties in with their indoor air quality. HVAC experts do realize this, however. Indoor air quality is very important for your health and well being.

A heater specialist helps keep the air at top-notch. The most common problem associated with poor indoor air quality is air filters. Air filters need to be changed and cleaned consistently, otherwise, they can do more harm than good.

Clogged air filters will allow dust, germs, and other harmful debris to circulate throughout the home. An HVAC tech can tell you how often they need to be changed, and change them for you if needed. Also, HVAC technicians are the people to call when you need a whole-house air purifying system.

These systems, that attach to your HVAC system, work to keep all of the contaminants out of the air. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of illness, respiratory difficulties, and much more. So, this Thanksgiving, remember to be grateful for the care HVAC techs give your indoor air quality.

They Help Maintain The Temperature

As many homeowners know, a well-maintained HVAC system keeps the indoor temperature at an optimal level. When an HVAC system is not maintained, you can start to develop issues like hot or cold spots, poor airflow, and poor heat or cool temperatures. Plus, a poorly performing heater or AC can radically increase your energy costs.

right temperature

While this is an era of climate change, staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter is more important than ever. Being comfortable in your home during the coldest and hottest times of the year would not be possible without HVAC technicians. Not only are they available for emergency repairs on your system, but they are also there to keep your system maintained, so emergencies don’t happen. This is yet another reason to give thanks to HVAC techs on Thanksgiving.

Find A Heating Service Near You

heating servicesDuring the holiday season, there is nothing more inconvenient and stressful for homeowners than a poorly performing heating system. With family gatherings planned, and holiday parties ready to kick-off, many homeowners do not want a last-minute issue with their HVAC system. In fact, HVAC companies are one of the most searched for issues during the holiday season.

The men and women in the heating and cooling services are experienced professionals that work at these searched for businesses. They are the ones you are going to call when your heater is blowing cold air, or your furnace won’t turn on.

They have dedicated themselves to the comfort of all the residents in their area. As a matter of fact, many of these technicians will be out helping residents stay warm on Thanksgiving while the rest are home eating with family. For this reason and so many more, it’s important to give thanks to all the hard-working HVAC technicians that put homeowners’ comfort level first.

Heidler, Inc. Are Your Heating Pros

Heilder, Inc. has been serving the community of Annapolis MD since 1947. As a family-owned and operated business, they understand the necessity of a well-working HVAC system. Experienced and dedicated, their team of professionals is ready to assist you this holiday season.